Support for Carers

Explore carer support services - practical assistance, guidance, and partnerships for well-being and respite. Empowering carers for a balanced life.

Alliance Homes Group

The Alliance Homes Group provide a single point of contact for carers of any age to access the help and practical support that they need.

Their support workers work with you to identify problems related to your caring responsibilities and to find potential solutions to them. They can support you to have some time of your own, separate from your caring responsibilities if this is what you want to do.

They deliver their carers support services in North Somerset in partnership with ‘Age UK Somerset’ and ‘North Somerset Community Partnership’. Their partnership is called ‘The Carers Support Alliance’

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If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, excessive worry or low mood, VitaMinds can provide you with advice and guidance on the best options for you.

We will take the time to understand what you need to get back on track. We provide a range of evidence-based talking therapies as well as advice and guidance on community services that can support you in your local area.

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